Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Solid Modeling

In creating this pattern I used  color and transparency to emphasize the overlapping of the K's that make up this pattern.  The lowest part is the most transparent.  As the pattern gets taller towards the center, it becomes more opaque.  The level of transparency is directly related to the height.  By relating the height to transparency, I hoped to achieve a clear reading of the 3D object even when viewed as a flat top view.  Because of the direct relationship between height and transparency, the height differences can still be read in plan, as seen in the shaded view below.  I chose similar, but not identical colors in order to make the image read clearly without distracting from the varying levels of transparency and height.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pattern and Layering

I created a pattern using the letter K.  Although it looks as though it could be almost symmetrical about the x axis, the crotch of the K is not.  It appears as though the upper stroke extends through the crotch of the K, but this portion actually has a thicker width.  In addition, the leg of the K extends just slightly farther than the upper stroke.  These two discrepancies create interesting shapes in the void of the pattern, rather than a typical diamond shape that would be created by a more font with a more regular geometry, such as Calibri or Geneva.  Along with the irregular shapes created by the voids, I wanted to highlight the angle of the stroke.  This pattern shows that a simple font still has complexity in its angles and thickness.